reflections for water bodies

clown show in nature

created 2024 - with the support of CITA Orango Bando
Two clowns in a little green boat with a waterfall behind it watch the reflections in the water.

Water always reflects, what about humans? Two characters drift in a flow of thoughts, they float and remain still. Sometimes, there's very little worth saving. What do we bring along to face the void? Thrills, sensations, and listening to nature, in a performance immersed in what surrounds us, close to what is most essential: water.

DURATION: 40 minutes

  • Clown
  • Objects handling
  • Sailing

AUDIENCE: for everyone above 5 years old

A clown standing on a small boat splashes the water with a stick while another is sitting behind amused.


Two people in a green boat in the middle of a pond.

Photo credit:

The show is suitable for small and medium-sized, non-flowing bodies of water.