Who We Are

Two clown next to each other breathing in. A yellow arrow. Them!

Compagnia del Buco is a clown and nouveau cirque company born in the neighborhood of Buco del Signore (Reggio Emilia) in 2017, from an artistic project by Luca Macca and Simone Vaccari (Momi).

Luca and Momi meet for the first time at the age of 17 and 15 respectively, in 2016, at a circus class for young adults led by Compagnia Circolabile, in Reggio Emilia. Both fond of multiple circus disciplines, they establish immediately a strong connection, and start practicing together outside the class, participating in circus workshops.

That same year Momi joins Luca in the clown class led by Andrea Menozzi from Compagnia Circolabile, where the two start experimenting the art of clown, mime, and physical theatre.

In the following years, they specialize in acrobatic bicycle and couples acrobatics. After their first street and live music show, “Seduti ma non troppo”, they debut in December 2018 with “Out of Time”, a juggling and acrobatics show centered around the decoration of the strangest Christmas tree.

At the same time, they start leading clownerie and circus-motricity projects in schools and other organizations, as well as circus workshops in low-income areas.

In the summer, they attend various times the Festival d'Aurillac, helping Compagnia Circolabile in the promotion and distribution of their shows. It's there that, in 2019, they get the idea for a new clown show, “G.A.S.”: after a leak of gas from a burner almost causes a tragedy, they decide to bring on stage the accidents and dangers that can occur during a normal camping, reinterpreting those moments in a clownish way. The show was presented in the summer of 2021, and was selected in May 2022 as Italian circus-theatre representative to participate in Mittelfest, as part of the “Mittelyoung” selection, receiving a production aid.

In 2021, thanks to the aid of Comune di Reggio Emilia and ACER, they present “Casa Garletti”, a contemporary circus performance with a moving wooden house, in collaboration with Compagnia Circolabile.

In those years of change and uncertainty, fascinated by the oneiric, the surrealism, and the metaphysics, they start experimenting and playing with doors, keys, and handles, questioning their meaning in our lives. This research will culminate in March 2023 with the presentation of “DOORS”, a clown and physical theatre performance about aesthetics and door installation, winner of the “Mirabilia Awards” of Mirabilia Festival 2023.

Luca Macca

A clown leaning on a door, using a handle like a pipe, and emitting a white cloud of smoke.

Co-founder of Compagnia del Buco. Was born in Reggio Emilia in 1999. Clown, juggler and porteur. Graduate in Philosophy at the University of Bologna, and in a Master of Show Management. Outside the company, collaborates with Compagnia Circolabile, Pazo Teatro, and Wanda Circus. President of the association “SANBA APS”, for which he plans events. Fond of manual work, realizes scenographies for shows along with his father. Leader of circus and clownerie classes for kids of all ages and for adults.

Simone Vaccari

A shocked clown standing with his back against a close door.

Co-founder of Compagnia del Buco. Was born in Reggio Emilia in 2001. Clown, juggler and acrobat. Graduate in Mathematics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and attending a Master in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Outside the company, collaborates with Compagnia Circolabile, and performs in magic shows with his brother. Fan of De Andrè and of space, he longs for the day mankind will walk on Mars. Leader of circus and clownerie classes for kids of all ages and for adults.